How much compensation for a Knee Injury$%:
Have you had an accident playing football damaged your knee$%: Maybe you were in a car accident and your knee was damages$%: Would you like to know what compensation you might be entitled too$%:
Well for a start damage to the knee can be quite serious, we all need our knees functioning properly to be able to walk and go about our daily routine. Depending on the extent of your injury will depend on how much compensation you will get. The amount of compensation for any knee injuries falls between a few hundred pounds for a simple twist to up to :%$pound;50,000 for more serious injuries.
Active illustrations
The amount of compensation you could receive from a serious knee injury where the injured had lengthy treatment, a considerable amount of pain and loss of function, arthrodesis or arthroplasty has taken place or is inevitable the amount would be in the region of :%$pound;40,750 to :%$pound;56,000.
For a less fracture extending into the knee joint causing constant pain, limiting movement, loss of agility with the possibility of osteoarthritis the amount of compensation you might receive would be in the region of :%$pound;30,500 to :%$pound;40,750.
A less severe knee injury resulting in less severe disability where there is still continuing symptoms of pain and limitation of movement could result in a award of :%$pound;15,500 to :%$pound;25,000.
Moderate knee injuries involving dislocation, torn cartilage or meniscus which might accelerate symptoms from a pre-existing condition which result in minor instability, weakness or other mild future disability the amount you could receive in compensation would be in the region of :%$pound;8,400 to :%$pound;15,500.
Less serious moderate knee injuries where there maybe some pain and discomfort, the amount of compensation would be in the region of :%$pound;8,150. Where there has been complete recovery the award is unlikely to exceed :%$pound;3,500.
These amounts are from the judicial studies board as of 2006. For more accurate information about your injury and how to go about making a claim you will need to find a competent accident solicitor. Companies that specialises in offering free impartial advice that can explain the no win no fee agreement in simple terms are the ones to go for. There are so many no win no fee accident solicitors in the UK and they are all competing for your cases. Unfortunately it can be big business for solicitors as they demand huge fees. The best solicitors are the ones that put you and your needs first.
You may have heard of the term 'no win no fee'. It is often used and rarely understood. It basically means that the solicitor is working for free until the case is won. When the case is one your solicitor will claim its own expenses back from the person who was responsible. If the negligence was on the part of your employer then your employer should have insurance to cover this. There maybe a chance that you may loose you case in which case you will be offered insurance to protect you from the costs also. Generally a good solicitor will only take on a case they believe they can win.
Remember claiming compensation for accidents is your legal and civil right. If the accident was not your fault and you have suffered because of the injury then you have every right to pursue a claim and you should.